Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Boca Chica Dominican Republic

Hi, I want to tell you about one of my favourite towns. It's called Boca Chica. It's is on a beach just outside of Santo Domingo Dominican Republic. The south side of the island is a little different from the north side, it is hotter and has more reliable  weather. This photo shows a thing they have in the square near the beach. This square is at the end of the main strip, which is called Duarte. It fills up with terraces and discos at night with much action and nightlife which can get pretty crazy. I am going to write about some of my favourite things in this town but I will not only discuss the tourist element but the real life element too. Please leave a comment or write me if you have photos, suggestions, feedback or ideas. My email is I am just a person, not part of a government or chamber of commerce or anything so I will tell you straight. Hope you enjoy this site!

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